Posted on 31st Aug 2023 08:33:44 PM Paragraph
I am Jubaida Jannat Faiza. My last birthday party was celebrated on 18 September 2023. I invited my relatives, friends and neighbors. They come in the party in the evening. The party took place in our house. Our house was cleaned and nicely decorated.
Read MorePosted on 30th Jul 2023 10:48:14 PM Paragraph
My nickname is Faiza. I am 9 years old. I am in class 3. I am a student of Rajshahi University School. My father is a private service holder and IT Expert. My mother is a housewife. She is a former teacher at Kids Point School in Rajshahi.
Read MorePosted on 29th Jul 2023 11:18:43 PM Paragraph
I have some friends. But Humayra is my best friend. She is 9 years old. She reads in class 3 with me. She is very friendly and helpful. We sit together in the class. We play together during Tiffin period. She also likes gardening.
Read MorePosted on 5th Jul 2023 09:50:26 PM Dictionary
Sack = বস্তা Sack = বরখাস্ত Sacred = পবিত্র Sad = দুঃখিত Safe = নিরাপদ Safeguard = সুরক্ষিত করা Safely = নিরাপদভাবে Safety = নিরাপত্তা Sail = পাল Sail = হাট Sailor = নাবিক Saint = সন্ত Sake = নিমিত্ত Salary = মাইনে Sale = বিক্রী Sales = বিক্রয় Salinity = লবণতা Salt = নুন Salt = লবণ Salty = নোনতা Salute = অভিবাদন Salvage = পরিতক্ত্য Salvation = উদ্ধার Same = একই Sample = নমুনা
Read MorePosted on 5th Feb 2023 11:29:41 PM Grammar
তৎসম শব্দ: যে সব শব্দ সংস্কৃত ভাষা থেকে সোজাসুজি বাংলায় এসেছে এবং যাদের রূপ অপরিবর্তিত রয়েছে, সে সব শব্দকে তৎসম শব্দ বলে যেমন— ব্যাকরণ, গগন, চরণ, অগ্রহায়ণ, ভোজন, শয়ন, জীবন, চন্দন, ভবন, বৈঞ্চব, তৃন, বন্য, গৃহিনী, ভাষা, খন্ড, গৃহ
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