Suppose you are Mazharul. You live in a village. Now, write a letter to your friend about your village.

Posted on 15th May 2022 06:29:00 PM Letter

Kharkhari Paba, Rajshahi Dear Naimul, I received your letter yesterday. In your letter you wanted to know about my village. The name of my village is Kharkhari. It is in the district of Rajshahi. It is a big village. There are ten thousand people live in our village. The natural scenery of our village is very charming.

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Suppose you are Shahan. You are a student of Azimpur Model Government Primary School. Now, write a letter to your friend about your school.

Posted on 15th May 2022 02:30:27 PM Letter

Azimpur Dhaka 15 May, 2022 Dear Razzak, I received your letter yesterday. Hope you are well. In your letter you wanted to know about my school. The name of my school is Azimpur Model Government Primary School. It is a very old and famous school in our district.

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Suppose you are Noman. Recently you have enjoyed a picnic. Now write a letter to your friend describing the picnic.

Posted on 15th May 2022 02:17:41 PM Letter

College Road Natore 15 May, 2022 My dear Jowel, Your will be glad to know that last Friday we went to enjoy a picnic at Kuakata Sea Beach (কুয়াকাটা সমুদ্র সৈকত). Large centrally located beach in a natural setting, known for its sunrise & sunset views. We started at 9 AM in a bus.

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Suppose you are Jamal. You have lost your English Grammar book. Now, write a letter to your friend to lend you a book.

Posted on 15th May 2022 01:59:58 PM Letter

Station Road Sylhet 15 May, 2022 My dear Sajib, Take my love. You know that my examination will soon begin. But I have lost my English Second Paper book. I shall be very glad if you kindly lend me your book for a week only. I shall return the book in time.

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Suppose you are Mostafa. You want to invite your friend to join a picnic. Now, write a letter to your friend inviting him to a picnic.

Posted on 15th May 2022 01:54:26 PM Letter

R.K. Mission Road Gazipur 15 May, 2022 My dear Rakib, You will be glad to know that we are going out a picnic next Friday. The place has already been chosen. It is near Jamuna Bridge at Tangail. It is a beautiful place. I hope you will join us. It will be a happy day for us.

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