Posted on 19th Jun 2022 11:03:46 PM Paragraph, Composition
Coronavirus which is commonly called Covid-19; SARS-CoV-2 is an infectious disease. Coronavirus is a very small virus but most harmful virus. Coronavirus first identified during December, 2019 in Wuhan city of China. The most common symptoms of Coronavirus are Fever or chills, Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, Fatigue
Read MorePosted on 10th Mar 2022 09:08:24 PM Composition
The Bee (মৌমাছি): The bee is a small insect. It is of golden colour. It has six legs, two wings and two stings. So it looks very nice. It is very active and industrious. It works from sunrise to sunset. It fly’s around us and sits on flower to collect honey. We get honey from the bee-hive. It is an ideal example of industry.
Read MorePosted on 10th Mar 2022 09:04:33 PM Composition
Unity is Strength (একতাই বল): Unity is to stay connected with others. If we stay united, we are powerful work may be difficult to do alone. If we do the work with other people it is very easy. Thus it increases our strength. The farmer asked to bring sticks to teach his sons a lesson. The boys broke the separated sticks very easily. They tried hard to break the bundle of sticks. But they failed to break it. The stick unitedly was stronger.
Read MorePosted on 10th Mar 2022 09:02:23 PM Composition
Cleanliness (পরিষ্কার-পরিচ্ছন্নতা): Cleanliness is a part of Iman. Cleanliness helps us to live a healthy life. There are several rules of cleanliness. We should wash our hands with soap before and after meals. We should brush our teeth regularly and keep our nails short.
Read MorePosted on 7th Mar 2022 09:56:07 PM Composition
My class Room (আমার শ্রেণিকক্ষ): Our classroom is in the ground floor of our school building. It is a fairly nice room. It has two doors and eight windows. There are twenty low benches and twenty high benches in our classroom. There is a chair, a table and a black-board for the use of teachers. We feel comfort in our class room. We always keep it neat and clean.
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